geogradient shawl

geogradient mkal: how it’s going

November 8, 2023

This month I’ve been working on the Geogradient Mystery Knit Along by Stephen West and I haven’t had time for much else. Books I want to read, and recipes I want to try are piling up! But I’m close to done, and I predict the shawl will be finished within a week.

Reflecting on the colors I chose.

I signed up and purchased a kit online because I thought that would be easier than trying to pick out yarn at the local yarn store and putting together my own gradient.

Looking back, I wish I had taken a bit more time to think about my colors. I knew I wanted to use Holst yarn because that’s what I used for my last shawl and I really liked the result. (This yarn is also quite affordable, and considering you have no idea what your final project will look like when you join a mystery KAL, it was a no-brainer for me!)

But the thing is, I had recently ordered shade cards from Holst to have handy for new project ideas (for that day when I actually try to design something myself!). So, it would have been easy to create and order my own color combination. What kept me from doing that was that I worried I wouldn’t get the yarn before the first clue was released. (I didn’t want to fall behind! I’m a slow knitter, already.) So, I chose the easy route and purchased a kit.

Don’t worry, I don’t regret my color choices, and I like the way my shawl is turning out. These colors go perfectly with jeans and a white t-shirt (my go-to uniform). BUT, I know that the next time I work on one of these shawls I’ll be thinking about my colors way in advance, because I want to absolutely love the result.

One month of knitting needs an amazing ending, don’t you think?

Today is November 8, and I’m about half way through the fourth and final clue. I can’t tell you how excited I am about finally getting to block and wear my new shawl. It’s funny, because I’d never considered myself to be a shawl person, but I do like to wrap myself in big scarves and cowls when it’s cold outside – and it’s definitely getting chilly around here.

I’m picking up takeout for dinner tonight, so I can focus on completing a few more rows.

What are you working on this week?
Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Amigurimi la nueva moda de mis hijos! Quieren que les haga mil animales 😂 aun perfeccionando mi técnica.

  2. Muy orgullosa de mis hijas que laboran cosas maravillosas con sus manos y little gray cels!!
    Love you girls

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